Do Yoga & Plant a Tree

Venue:  Karura Forest, use Belgium Embassy entrance; space under Acacia tree opposite River Café.

Dates:  Saturdays 9-10am

Start Date: TBA [Classes only run during the dry months]

Planting a tree is optional at KES 450

Contact: +254 701603995  |

About the class

A dynamic yoga flow class, starting slowly to ease into the body then gradually progressing to dynamic flowing sequences with a strong focus on alignment before ending in deeper longer held asanas (postures) working on flexibility and stillness. The class is open to people of all levels as modifications are given. This class will take you on a beautiful arc of practice leaving the body feeling enlivened, rejuvenated and the mind centred. 

 Please pre-book to attend a class.

Book online

A short read about good ol’ Karura

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better…

Albert Einstein

Karura forest has been invaded by a shrub, Lantana camara an extremely invasive species originating from Latin America that hampers the regeneration of indigenous trees.  In order to prepare the site for planting, the shrub has to be completely uprooted and removed.

The next step is preparing the ground and planting the seedlings.  There are specific species that are recommended for Karura forest and they are all raised at the Kenya Forest Services’ indigenous nursery.  Lastly comes the job of watering, weeding and generally nurturing the seedlings till they are matured.  This is a job that takes three to four years and is done by casual workers hired from the informal settlement of Huruma.  We do this to create jobs for this impoverished community neighbouring the forest.

The actual planting is seasonal and dependent on the rains which can sometimes be unreliable so the FKF has the final word on timing and also location as we have a system that we follow.  Generally the seasons for planting are April-May and October- November.

Who’s Who

Yoga at Karura